Benjiphonik Releases EPIC New EP "I Got Old"

The diverse new EP by Benjiphonik, I Got Old, is a symphony of styles; A musical journey that will take you through Hip Hop, Disco, Alt Rock , and beyond. 

Delving into the past, Benjiphonik lyrically strolls down memory lane as he relives falling in love, childhood struggles, and the funny funkiness of getting old. This rapper-guitarist-singer isn't afraid to tell you just how hopelessly out of touch he's become in the 2020's. If you've ever dubbed tape to tape, or tried to learn the moonwalk, then you'll know just what Benjiphonik is talking about. And even if you haven't, Benji will teach you the moves. 

So, hop into your hoopty and join Benjiphonik on a 21-minute road trip into the past. Who knows? You may even learn how to moonwalk! 

Checkout the official music videos from EP "I Got Old"

Stream Full EP " I Got Old" and sound off with your thoughts.

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