Doc frost from Baltimore Maryland is music artist, in the course of making songs he made 3albums. His First album “Freak Show” is all about his personal life. He stated, "Yes I guess you can call me weird but that was the whole point of the album just letting loose what I thought go check the titles. "His second album with titled “More To Life” was about his experience in life of not being an average street guy. He said, "I wasn’t into the drug game, I never been to jail(knock on wood), or involved my self in the violence behind it but I talked about what I saw within those ranges of life but it was more to life outside of those subjects. I had a lot of things on my mind that troubled me or I was curious about or even talk about outside of the norm of what goes on in the streets. "His third album is “Year Of The Lone Wolf” which was release early this year. 

"Year of the lone Wolf is an album I did on my own basically reply you a story of what I went through on my journey of life that even still takes effect today. I talk about pain, love, depression, memories, being ostracized etc. More to come in the near future so keep up with the projects and updates.", he explains. Currently, Doc is working hardon the next step of his artistic journey. Dynamic, unpredictable, and fearless, Doc is poised to leave a lasting legacy on the music world. It became clear to Doc that if he were to attain the success he longed for, music was the only way to go.

He was featured in recent August issue, Check Out The August 2021 Printed Issue 19 from below link's for your country:

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  1. People pay well for this level of talent. Somebody need to act fast before they end up regretting "the one that got away". This dude's got the juice.
